I was pleasantly surprised to receive a moment of recognition last night for my work in promoting the power and beauty of Tamil oral literature. This important Markham, Toronto event was sponsored by Tamil Chair Inc., a group raising funds for the establishment of the first Sangam Professorship in Tamil Studies at Harvard University. A well-known and respected organization called The Tamil Literary Garden hosted and backed the distinguished gathering. Its leader and celebrated writer, Appadurai Muttulingam, has been personally involved in this new funding campaign. The two U.S.-based men leading the drive for $6 million by June of 2016 are Dr. Vijay Janakiraman and Dr. Sundaresan T. Sambandam. They are the ones who presented me with the ceremonial shawl (see photos), Donations are tax deductable for US tax payers. Please contribute! Checks should be mailed to the Office of the Recording Secretary, Harvard University, 124 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 021138, USA. All major currencies are accepted.