This Legend of Ponnivala video clip shows the goddess Parvati in the act of creation. The question as stated is easily answered. She creates nine adult men and tells them they have been “placed” in an uncultivated area. Then she tells the nine: “I want you to establish strong farmer families that will expand and flourish.” In her command Parvati makes no mention of human activities, other than the farming these men are expected to do. There is no reference to the possibility that there might already be other humans who pre-date these farmers’ arrival. The general mandate Parvati gives the nine men is very clear. They are to start families that will become strong. By implication these nine are to flourish, produce offspring and come to dominate the area where they stand, despite all hardships they may face. Those are the marching orders given to these men by their creatrix. In return the men bow respectfully and accept their instructions. Of course, they have no choice. This is why they were created and why they are who they are.