The story comes directly from its original telling in Tamil but has been initially animated in English. The script has already been back translated into Tamil and a French translation is under way. Dubbing will not be a problem as there is no lip sync, a decision made in anticipation of a multi-language release.
The printed graphic novel versions are already available in English and Tamil.
Style and Format
The story has been animated in high definition at 1920 x1080i using Toon Boom Animate Pro.
The artistic style of The Legend of Ponnivala has been carefully selected to pay homage to the folk culture from which this story originates. The animation has been intentionally crafted to reflect Indian folk art, while the musical and sound score reproduces the authentic ambiance of South India. In addition, shorter presentation versions and excerpted fables have been created to help introduce this remarkable epic. Although the entire series runs to thirteen hours, these shorter versions (some as brief as ten minutes), printed graphic novels, and extensive teaching guides each provide their own fresh insights into this remarkable series.